Monday, August 22, 2005

Singin' In The Rain....Or Dancin'!

This summer while I was sitting in one of my chemistry classes, (sigh) my teacher informed us that we were all going to have to write a short paper. After all of the many groans and protests, she told us that all we had to do was think of two questions about anything in the world that we didn't understand and that we wanted to know the answers to. We had to include a few short sentences about why we wondered this, so that she had some idea as to why we were asking that particular question.

My question was one that I've wondered for a very, very long time, because, quite frankly, I don't think that it's fair. The question that I wanted to know the answer to was: Why is it, that here in Provo, UT, we never experience rainstorms? Now, I wasn't talking about the skimpy pathetic little sprinkle showers that we get occasionally. I know that we have those. I'm talking about the kind of rain that you see in the movies; the kind that you run out in and within seconds you are soaked to the bone. The kind of rain that you can't see further than a few yards in front of you. You know...actual rainstorms.

My question never was answered in the chemistry class - I suppose that my teacher was as stumped as I appear to be. The rain is my favorite kind of weather, but only when you get that earth shaking thunder and the lightening that makes it looks like it's noon. Finally, after so much waiting since the last one, today I got a glimpse of that. Ok, so the actual rain only lasted for about seven minutes, but still! There was rain! I ran outside and just by standing on my porch I got wet. I stood down in the thick of it, and by the time it was over my hair was dripping and my clothes were darker in color than the manufacturers had intended them to be. No lightening, but plenty of thunder and that seven minutes of heaven.

I pity the child that lives somewhere where he or she can't experience a thunderstorm like that, no matter how infrequently they occur, where they can just drop whatever it is that they're doing and run outside barefoot to dance around in the rain.

That's probably why my favorite quote is the one that some wise old person said, "Whoever said sunshine is happiness has never danced in the rain"!


Sister Pottymouth said...

That was a great storm last night! I had to take Tommy outside just to smell it while it poured down for those few minutes. One of my favorite smells is of concrete after it rains. (I know that sounds weird, but you know what I mean.) I'm glad to find another rain lover. :-)

Leah Jean said...

No, I completely agree! The smell is half the fun! And I'm glad you're a rain lover, too, because I can't think of a single rain storm that I wasn't out dancing in or at least standing outside in. I've had my fair share of friends thinking I'm insane for randomly jumping up and running outside to play in it. :)

dalene said...

Rain-soaked concrete is one of my favorite smells, too. And that storm was great. Although I usually afraid of lightening and shut all the windows up tight, we flung open the windows and I didn't say a word when the kids ran out to dance in the rain. Had I not been in the middle of one of my other favorite things--a butter-soaked ear of fresh corn on the cob--I would've dashed outside as well.

--a rain-lovin' sister

Leah Jean said...

Oooh! Let me tell you...a butter-soaked ear of corn on the cob sounds SO good right now. The happy note of all this? I CAN EAT IT! HA! Sorry...still getting used to the whole eat-whatever-you-feel-like-eating-because-you-don't-have-braces-anymore thing. Did you see that lightening from today? It was GORGEOUS!